Mesa County Oral History Project ➔ Oral History with Rufus Hirons
Oral History -- Audiocassette
Cattle stories, Grd. Jct. High School, Samplers, Walter Hyram-Principal, Street car, Interurban, sugar beets, bootleg liquor, Baxter Pass, Eagle River, Eddie Drapela aviator, WWII, Homefront, Colorado Plateau, Uranium, Union Carbide, Ouray to get gold, Mack, Cisco, Paving Grd Jct streets, Woolworths, Lincoln Park Pool, Daily SentinelContent Date:
1900 – 1977Interview Date:
April 1977Rights:
copyright Museums of Western ColoradoRelated collection
Mesa County Oral History Project The Mesa County Oral History Project began as a joint project of the Museums of Western Colorado and Mesa County Libraries (MCL) in 1975.What IS Oral History?
An oral history is an audio or video recording of a person speaking about their personal, lived experience of historical events.
Note that in some cases, the same OH numb...
Related people
Rufus Hirons (narrator)M. Irvine (interviewer)
Grand Junction High School (references)
Related places
Grand Junction (references)Grand Junction High School (references)