United Fruit Growers Association

Organization, united_fruit_growers_assoc
The United Fruit Growers Association was formed in 1920 by George W. Bowman, a Palisade resident and orchard grower. It was one of the first associations to be set up under the Colorado Cooperative Marketing Law. It operated continuously out of Palisade, CO, and for a time had a platform at Bridges Switch. H. C. Huber (Palisade postmaster), Albert Philips, and Arthur Merle Echternach (secretary/treasurer) were also charter members. Mr. Crissey was the first manager, followed by A. M. Echternach from 1925 to 1937. In 1937, Fred Powell from the Paonia Fruit Growers Association started as manager. Carl Hoisington then became the manager from 1944 until his retirement in 1974.

The precursor to Palisade's United Fruit Growers Association was the Western Slope Fruit Growers Association, which operated out of the same building and served a similar function. 

By 1981, the UFGA marketed, packed, and shipped fruit produced by 60 growers in Palisade. Crops included peaches, apricots, and cherries. The association also maintained a station in Clifton, CO, originally established by Mountain Lion Fruit, until 1979 when it was no longer profitable. 

Source: https://aes.colostate.edu/wcrc/stations/orchard-mesa/history-of-the-fruit-industry-in-mesa-county/, https://mesa.marmot.org/Archive/organization:1436/Organization 
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