Dr. Wyatt A. Wood

Individual, Wood_Wyatt_A
Dr. Wyatt August (or Augustus) Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wood, was born in Kingsbury, Texas, and raised in Grand Junction, Colorado. He graduated from Grand Junction High School in 1931, attended the Grand Junction Junior College for two years, was accepted and attended West Point, then went on to Colorado College, where he was a member of the Delta Upsilon honor scientific society. In 1936, he was accepted as a medical student at Middlesex College in Massachusetts. In his youth, Wood was very active in music/performance and young military circles in Grand Junction, and he played trumpet for the Grand Junction Junior College orchestra. In 1938, he married Jewel Mason of Pueblo, CO, and the two lived in Grand Junction for a time before making their home in Seattle, Washington. He may have also taught school in Palisade, CO, during his time in Grand Junction after his schooling. According to the obituary of his father, Wyatt M. Wood, Dr. Wyatt A. Wood preceded him in death, but no obituary for Dr. Wyatt A. Wood has been located. 
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Wyatt M. Wood [1886 - 1985] ()
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