Pacomio "Paco" Chacon [1916 - 2009]

Artist, Chacon_Paco
In the late 1840's thousands of young Basque men migrated from Europe to the American west. Many of the men found employment as sheep herders. The herders would take the sheep to the high country in the summer to graze among the aspen trees. To pass the time they made carvings on aspen trees, known as arborglyphs. One of these famous artist was Pacomio Chacon. He was born near Coyote, New Mexico, in 1916.
He developed a unique style of carving glamorous women with unique haircuts from the 1940s and early 1950s. Folk art historians consider him to be a master craftsman. Many of his master works were carved in aspen trees in the White River Plateau. Mr. Chacon lived for many years in
Fruita,, Colorado. He passed away in 2009 at the age of 93 after a long and colorful life.
Pacon carving
Related Object: Pacon carving
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