
Cameo is named for a stone face formation in a cliff overlooking the area. Originally a coal mining town, it was founded in 1907 when John McNeil of Grand Junction Fuel and Mining Company opened the mine. Longtime county residents recall the "horrible, dangerous suspension bridge" that linked Cameo to the Highway. 

Cameo also served as headquarters for the men building the roller dam for the Highline Canal in 1912. In 1957, PUblic Service of Colorado opened a new steam generating plant at Cameo. The 6.5 million dollar plant is a 44,000-kilowatt unit doubling area capacity. 

The Roadside Mine coal mine has been operated by Powderhorn Coal Coal since 1982. 

McCreanor, Emma. 2002. Mesa County Colorado a 100 Year History: Updated and Expanded with Timeline through 2002. Grand Junction Colorado: Museum of Western Colorado Press.

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