Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box
Toiletries box

Toiletries box

Historical artifact -- household box;Hair comb;Key

Wooden toiletry box containing a key, comb, and object of indeterminate usage.
The box is made of a darkly-lacquered wood, with the four sides being a dark brown and the top and bottom being nearly black. The top has a gold plate at its center fastened to the wood via nails. The front side has a gold keyplate fastened to the wound via nails. Two golden hinges secure the lid to the rest of the box.
The inside of the box is lined with a silver metal, present both along the lid cavity and the bottom cavity.
The key within the box is made of a silver metal with a cylindrical shape. It bears a single tooth on one end and a ring on the other.
The comb is made of black plastic, with a fine-tooth pattern on one end and a coarse-tooth pattern on the other. It tapers from the coarse end into the fine end, gradually reducing to about half the size on the smaller side.
The indeterminate object consists of a layered-paper material inside of a silver sleeve, in which there are a multitude of patterned holes.
G278(A) Unknown metal object with holes and cardboard on back
G278(B) Black comb 262 Clark
G278(C) key