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Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce Activities 1921-1953

Archival materials -- Manuscript

Grand Junction Chamber Of Commerce Activities, 1921-53, Original Typed 4-pg Manuscript

"Some of the Chamber of Commerce activities between 1921 and 1953  
Action to keep road open from Cisco to Thompson. 
First consideration of Douglas Pass road to Rangely
Made study of prospective road to top of Grand Mesa via Kannah Creek 
Guaranteed payment of $1000 for construction of road via Mesa to top of Grand Mesa
Sponsored first oil shale excursion to DeBeque
Sent representatives to Washington in interests of valley drainage
Made engineering study of road to Paradox Valley and Vernal
First action to secure landing field for Grand Junction
Guaranteed payment of $500 for materials to begin work on road west of Utah line
First action to induce construction of Silver Plume cut-off to Denver
Started pay-as-you-go drainage program for the Grand Valley
Action to have Rood Avenue paved
Instrumental in bringing about improvement of Grand Junction water system 
Sponsored Colorado River hearing in Grand Junction, following which compact was formed and later ratified by six states (not including Arizona. 
Provided funds for game-proof fencing of Colorado National Monument 
Action for appoinement of deputy game warden for Mesa County
Preliminary work to secure approval of the Grand Valley, by Wichita Land Bank, for farm loans
Completed large part of Douglas Pass highway construction
Provided funds for right-of-way for extension of interurban line
Passed resolution to have Battlement National Forest name changed to Grand Mesa National Forest
Provided funds for patrolling road between Cisco and Colorado line
Continued construction of Gateway-Paradox road
Aided in school bond election
Preliminary work for early establishment of junior college
Active in securing improved conditions under game and fish department 
Sponsored contest for name of new Grand Mesa drive (now Skyway Drive)
Started action for protection of Western Colorado shippers, and reduction in freight rates
Program to popularize locally-manufactured products
Preliminary action to induce construction of bridge across Dolores River at Roc Creek, by State Highway Department
Effort toward completion of Reclamation project
Provided funds for furnishings for junior college, and for interior decorating
Resolution drawn up by John C. Page relating to Colorado River Bill
Investigated possibilities for asparagus growing. 
Sponsored one of West's first band tournaments, which served as a pattern for many others
Purchased 30 acres of land at entrance to Monument Canyon. 
Operated first spray residue testing laboratory
Assistance to poultry industry
Accepted four buffalo cows from Dave Knight for Colorado National Monument
Expended $250 on site for airport
Attempted to prevent diversion of Taylor River
Entertained first New England farmers' special trains
Secured foot bridge for Fifth Street bridge
Secured passange of peddler ordinance
Active in Colorado River hearings in effort to protect our water
Secured CCC camp for Colorado National Monument, followed by tow more and one for Grand Mesa. 
Assisted toward plans for control of peach mosaic
Purchased building on Fourth Street from Masonic Lodge for Chamber of Commerce. Later constructed building in rear of main building, and later secured building for storage on South Fifth
Took lead in program for bonds for highway construction
Representatives to Washington on various occasions.
Urged city to acquire 40-acre tract from Patterson for airport addition
Effort to secure Fifth Street overpass
Preliminary work for shorter highway to Denver
Assisted Montrose in financial campaign to purchase land for Black Canyon N?M. 
Started successful Junion Fat Stock Show
Excavated dinosaur remains at Riggs Hill
Began promotion of Canada-Mexico highway
Beginning of Chamber's solicitation control plan, which was later adopted in many parts of the country. 
Action to induce establishment of canning plants
Sponsored Land's End Auto Race
Effort to secure naval air training school
Beginning of peach gift box program. First, fresh peaches, later to canned peaches. 
Tried unsuccessfully to induce use of Whitewater granite for Denver municipal building. It was generally felt that the granite was deliberately shattered as a means of favoring Vermont granite. 
Provided funds for Junior College deficit. 
Program to increase beet acreage to enable continuation of the Holly plant in Delta. 
Held large freight rate hearing. 
Aided in bringing about pavement of 12th Street, Gunnison to North
First efforts to secure airline for Grand Junction
Joinrd with Price in the erection of a monument at State Line. 
Participated in reopening of Rio Grande Southern from Vance Junction south. 
Acquired land from Klrin Land Company for addition to Colorado N. Monument. 
Joined in action decision for construction of Dotsero cut-off. 
Cooperated with Junior College board in raising $2800 needed for completion of college year. 
Sponsored second band tournament. 
Started activities for improvement of U. S. 50
Authorized appropriation for engineering costs on Rimrock Drive. 
Placed large sign at Spanish Forks, directing travel through Grand Junction
Started action to release Grand Mesa lakes from private control
Purchased 160 acres of land at entrance to No Thoroughfare Canyon. 
Conducted nation-wide campaign for use of pinto beans. 
Prevented congressional action which would have deeded Grand Mesa lake region to Delta. 
Placed plaques at dinosaur discovery locations. 
Issued 80-page brochure on oil shale, which, combined with additional efforts, resulted in establishment of Anvil Points experimental plant. 
Active in early Teachers' convention. 
Largely responsible for our Veterans Hospital. 
Conducted campaign to induce the use of "Western Colorado" rather than "Western Slope". 
Inaugurated plan to finance Chamber activities by mail
Development of Colorado National Monument highway project was solely a project of the Grand Junction Chamber. There were frequent problems because of local interference and opposition. Also aided greatly in Black Canyon of Gunnison Monument project. 
The advertising program of the Grand Junction Chamber was probably more extensive than of any other Chamber. Included were distribution annually of 72 and 64-page in quantities of 50,000; annual statistical booklet; many thousands of photographs; distribution of many thousands of 3-dimensional views, which required about 2,000 photographs; plus a variety of novel ideas. 
The foregoing items are not listed in chronological order. 
Following are names of presidents who served the Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce during the 32 years: 
1922) Wm. Weiser
1924 F. C. Hogue
1925) R. A. Ross
1927 W. C. Kurtz
1928 F. R. Hall
1929 N. M. Due
1930 H. H. Younger
1931 L. W. Burgess
1932 B. H. Day
1933 F. A. Harris
1934 Wyman Sanford
1935 P. E. Murray
1936 T. W. Gardner
1937 J. J. Pitman
1938 Harry Jones
1939 M. R. Jackson
1940 James P. Groves
1941 F. O. Garrison
1942 V. C. Garms
1943 Tom Brownson 
1944 C. L. Walker
1945 H. H. McMullin
1946 Sid C. Hoel 
1947 Paul A. Yetter
1948 J. D. Severson
1949 Ray J. Boggs
1950 R. B. Williams
1951 Eugene H. Mast
1952 Blair Burwell
1953 Claud D. Smith 
Content Date:
1921 – 1953

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Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce (references)
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