• Pholisora Havhursti - Will Minor Butterfly Collection
    Pholisora Havhursti - Will Minor Butterfly Collection (E770)
Pholisora Havhursti - Will Minor Butterfly Collection
Pholisora Havhursti - Will Minor Butterfly Collection
Pholisora Havhursti - Will Minor Butterfly Collection
Pholisora Havhursti - Will Minor Butterfly Collection
Pholisora Havhursti - Will Minor Butterfly Collection

Will Minor Butterfly Collection ➔ Pholisora Havhursti - Will Minor Butterfly Collection

Historical artifact -- Specimen, Animal


Lepidoptera specimen, pressed inside of an almost flat, square, plastic container. There is a raised "bubble" in the center of the plastic that houses the body of the specimen.

Original label identifies specimen as “Pholisora Havhursti” and suggests that it was collected in Matheson Hammock, Florida.

Content Date:
March 11 1945
Related collection
Will Minor Butterfly Collection Will Minor donated a somewhat large lepidoptera (butterflies, moths, etc.) collection. All of the specimens were donated under different accession/lot numbers. This collection was created to make accessing these artifacts easier.