• Baseball Counter
Baseball Counter
Baseball Counter
Baseball Counter
Baseball Counter
Baseball Counter
Baseball Counter

Baseball Counter

Historical artifact -- Baseball gear

Baseball counter with Leather Pouch (A&B). It counts the balls and strikes thrown by the pitcher. For the counter; On the front side is shows two zero's and under both of those it says "Balls" and "Strikes". At the top there are these wheels that turn to show up to the number 4 for balls and the number 3 for strikes. On the back there is a logo that looks like a baseball with a ring around it. On the ring around the baseball it says "A.G. Spalding & BROS.   A.D.1876". Inside the base ball it says "Trade Mark" and "Spalding". There are three flat head screws that hold the counter together on the front, two on the bottom corners and one in the middle top.

For the Pouch; it is a tan brown leather with a button that closes to hold the counter in the pouch. On the back there are slits so that it can slide on a belt so it can be held on the person for easy access.
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