• Front

Photo of Fruita Street Scene

Photograph -- Black and White Photograph;Postcard

Black and white postcard photograph depicting a street in Fruita, CO. Several storefronts line a dirt street upon which two horse-drawn wagons are parked, tied to hitching posts. One of the visible storefronts has signage that reads, "The Cash Hardware and Grocery", the rest of the storefronts do not have visible signs. 

Etched (during the photo printing/developing process) into the bottom left corner of the front of the photograph is the caption, "S.1176. STREET SCENE. FRUITA. COLO.". The postcard was published by the C. D. Smith Drug Co., Grand Junction, CO, as printed on the back of the postcard. The postcard has no written message on the back and was never postmarked. 

Related person
C. D. Smith Drug Co. (publisher)
Related place
Fruita (references)