• Yellow sheer dress
Yellow sheer dress
Yellow sheer dress
Yellow sheer dress
Yellow sheer dress
Yellow sheer dress
Yellow sheer dress

Yellow sheer dress

Historical artifact -- Dress

Yellow sheer crepe silk dress. Bodice has a lining that looks like a costume slip, but is attached (though of a different, more opaque, yellow fabric). Skirt is lined in the same fashion fabric as the outer. French seams and bias binding are used throughout. 
Cap sleeves are of a leaf-like pattern with green thread, and metallic gold thread used to appliqué the edges. The same motif is used three times from the lowered waist of the dress to the hem, alternating with bands of the self fabric, and with lace panels. The skirt has a deep hem. Even with the skirt lining, the bottom portion of the dress is still sheer enough that an additional slip would have been necessary. 
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