• Solitair Cake Make-Up
Solitair Cake Make-Up
Solitair Cake Make-Up
Solitair Cake Make-Up
Solitair Cake Make-Up
Solitair Cake Make-Up

Solitair Cake Make-Up

Historical artifact -- Cosmetic

Solitair Cake Make-Up in the Temporary Wartime Packaging. 

The box is a pink color with blue text written on it, "Solitair, Cake Make-Up, Temporary Wartime Package" On the top of the box, in blue text it reads, "25c"

The cake make-up is a peach-pink color and kept in a circular glass container. 

On both the back of the box in blue text on a cream background and on a paper tab on top of the makeup container, it reads, "Solitair, Contains Lanolin, Natural. This complete all-in-one make-up gives a delicate, flattering, velvety-soft finish to complexion that lasts for hours. Covers minor skin blemishes. Resists shine. Moisten lightly a small, artificial cosmetic sponge or pad of cotton and wipe over cake. Apply Solitair sparingly-smoothing a light, thin layer evenly over face and neck. Blend with finger tips while still damp. For leg make-up follow same directions. Solitair is waterproof, sun-proof, non-drying to the skin. Contains lanolin. Made in: Natural, Rachel, Peach Bloom, Brunette, Golden Tan, Bronze. NOTE: Do not leave wet sponge on Solitair make-up. Contents: 9.16 oz. net, Distributed by Campana Corporation Batavia, Illinois, (c) C.C. Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off." 
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